A total of 2,776 candidates sat the registration assessment on 25 June, with 2,081 candidates passing the assessment: an overall pass rate of 75%.

The results of the common registration assessment for pharmacists, held jointly by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI), have been published.

UK Fitness to Practise News

Duncan Rudkin, Chief Executive of the GPhC, said:

“Many congratulations to the candidates who passed this year’s registration assessment. It is the culmination of years of hard work and part of the journey to becoming a registered pharmacist.

“The registration assessment is one of the ways we test trainee pharmacists to ensure they understand how to apply knowledge appropriately and in a timely way. This means they can make professional judgements when practising.

“For those who unfortunately didn’t pass the assessment, there are a range of options available, with all the relevant information on the June 2024 registration assessment page. The charity Pharmacist Support can also provide help with mental health and wellbeing as well as practical advice.”

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