A petition from “an aspiring pharmacist” call on the GPhC to change its exams, saying “perceived the examination’s difficulty level and fairness as highly iniquitous.”
In the petition, the petitioner wrote:
“As an aspiring pharmacist who spent years striving for this career, my confidence took a hit during the recent GPhC Examination 2024. I stand not just on my own, but also represent multiple students who were left perplexed by the unexpected turn of events. We perceived the examination’s difficulty level and fairness as highly inequitous. It is crucial to mention that the questions posed were extremely rigorous and exceeded the curriculum’s scope that we meticulously studied. The disparity between our course of study and the examination content led many of us into a state of confusion.
“It’s important to acknowledge that about 65% of pharmacy students who sat the exam echo this sentiment and deem the examination to be exceedingly difficult (Pharmacy Student Survey, 2024). This reflects a nationwide issue that extends beyond just a few individuals.
“Upholding the integrity and fairness of these examinations are pivotal for setting a high standard in our healthcare sector. It’s important that the GPhC Examination maintain a level-playing field for all who wish to join this critical profession. We urge for a thorough review of the examination content and the adoption of a more realistic and fair assessment system. We need your support in raising this concern to the relevant authorities. Please sign this petition.”
The Investigating Committee recently considered the case of a chiropractor who had appeared on a video on the YouTube channel of a self-described “holistic health coach”.
When considering providing an endorsement or working with online influencers you should be clear about how any materials produced will be used, how the relationship could reflect on the reputation of you and the profession, and you should carry out due diligence to consider the appropriateness of the partnership.
The GCC Social Media Guidance (Oct 2021) [Link] and toolkit contains basic advice on what to consider. In particular you should note that any endorsement of others (even on their own channels) may be regarded as an expression of your views within your own marketing or advertising activities.
As a registered healthcare professional there are specific rules from the ASA concerning what you can and cannot endorse (including online).
You may also find the ASA advice on testimonials and endorsements and the “Influencers’ guide to making clear that ads are ads” from the ASA and CMA useful – particularly in instances where you are not being paid for an endorsement but may benefit in other ways.
Disclaimer: The accuracy and information of news stories published on this website is accurate on the date of publishing. We endeavour to update stories if information change. You can contact us with change and update requests. Where possible, we will link to sources. Content on this website is for guidance purposes only. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any action taken, or not taken. You should seek the appropriate legal advice having regard to your own particular circumstances.
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