The register of all nursing and midwifery professionals who can practise in the UK has reached a record 841,367, but a pillar of recent growth – international recruitment – has slowed in pace, according to new data from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
The register now comprises 778,340 nurses (+1.7 percent since April), 45,198 midwives (+2.4 percent), 11,551 nursing associates (+6.2 percent) and 6,278 dual registrants (those registered as both a nurse and midwife; -1.3 percent).
For the first time there are more than 200,000 internationally educated professionals on the register – 23.8 percent of the total available UK nursing and midwifery workforce. Of these registered professionals, 67,576 were educated in India (+8.3 percent since April) and 50,180 were educated in the Philippines (+2.2 percent).
However, 16.6 percent fewer international professionals joined the register (12,534) and 33 percent more left (2,573) in the six months to 30 September, than in the same period last year. These 2,573 leavers account for 1.4 percent of all international professionals on the register, compared to 1.2 percent who left between April and September 2023.
The total number of professionals – whether UK or internationally educated – who joined the register for the first time between April and September fell by 9.2 percent to 27,313 (compared to 30,085 in the six months to September 2023).
Total leavers rose by 6.3 percent to 14,142 (compared to 13,305 leavers in the six months to September 2023). However, the number of leavers given as a proportion of the growing register is unchanged at 1.7 percent.
As the total number of leavers increases, so too does the segment of professionals leaving after five years or less on the register: 1,799 in the six months to September, compared to 1,211 in the same period last year. That is an increase of 48.6 percent for the period but is unchanged when viewed as a proportion of the register (0.2 percent).
Kuljit Dhillon, NMC Interim Executive Director of Strategy and Insight, said:
“Nursing and midwifery are among the UK’s most trusted professions, so as we head into another tough winter, we hope there is small comfort in the growth of our register to a record 841,000.
“At the same time, there are notes of caution in our data around international recruitment, which has been a pillar of workforce growth in recent years. We’ve seen a fall in internationally educated joiners and an even higher proportional rise in leavers, although it’s important to view leavers’ data through the lens of a growing register.
“We hope our data and insights will support workforce planning and research in the UK, ensuring the most effective delivery of services that people and communities across the country rely on for their health and wellbeing.”
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