A total of 1,146 candidates sat the registration assessment on 12 November, with 667 candidates passing the assessment: an overall pass rate of 58%.  The results of the common registration assessment for pharmacists, held jointly by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI), have been published.

Chief Strategy Officer at the GPhC, Louise Edwards, said:

“Congratulations to all those who passed the registration assessment. We look forward to welcoming you onto our register and wish you every success in your future career.

“For anyone who unfortunately did not pass the assessment at this sitting, there is information on our website on what you can do next[PDF 254.62 KB].

“The pass mark for candidates was set in the same way as usual, where the pass mark is based on the difficulty of papers to ensure the standard across different years. The overall pass rate is one of the lower we’ve seen for the November sitting.”

UK Fitness to Practise News

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