For the second year in a row, the GOC has met all 18 of the Professional Standards Authority Standards of Good Regulation for 2022-2023.
Key findings
- The GOC carried out multiple consultations and engagements. We have seen clear evidence of the GOC’s commitment to working with its stakeholders and their approach has been, on the whole, very well-received.
- The GOC continues to make good progress against its EDI Action Plan 2020-2024 and remains on track to achieve its objectives. It continues to use data and other evidence to identify areas for further work, such as producing a joint statement with stakeholders on zero tolerance to bullying, harassment, abuse and discrimination following the findings of its registrant survey.
- Since updating its Education and Training Requirements in March 2021, the GOC has quality assured adaptations for more than half of existing providers. It also commissioned the Sector Partnership for Optical Knowledge and Education (SPOKE) to establish a Knowledge Hub designed to support providers in meeting the updated requirements.
Chair of Council, Dr Anne Wright CBE, said:
“I am delighted to welcome the PSA’s latest review, which is a culmination of the hard work and dedication of our GOC staff and members to ensure we met all 18 standards for the second year running.
The report is testament to our commitment to maintain the positive changes made in relation to the timeliness of fitness to practise investigations and we will continue to make further improvements.
I’d like to personally thank my fellow Council members and GOC staff in their support to ensure the GOC sustains its overarching mission to protect the public by upholding high standards in the optical professions.”
Chief Executive and Registrar, Leonie Milliner, said:
“I welcome the outcome of the PSA’s review of our performance between January and December 2023. Meeting all the PSA’s Standards for Good Regulation for a second year provides significant assurance to patients, public and registrants that we are discharging our regulatory responsibilities effectively. We will continue to build on this positive performance review in our ambition to become a world-class regulator.
Our progress in supporting providers of GOC approved qualifications to meet our new education and training requirements has been a notable achievement, alongside our work in EDI and the positive engagement with stakeholders in our work to revise and update our professional standards.
I join the Chair of Council, Dr Anne Wright, in thanking all our staff and members for their contribution in meeting all 18 of the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation.”
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