A performance review by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), covering the period from October 2022 to September 2023, confirmed the GMC met all standards of good regulation, including guidance and standards, education and training, registration and fitness to practise.

The PSA’s report, published today, recognised the regulator’s continued work towards equality, diversity and inclusion targets, and progress made in other areas, such as improvements to the timeliness of the GMC’s fitness to practise processes.

It noted particularly that the GMC had published an updated version of its professional standards for doctors – Good medical practice – which comes into effect at the end of January, and that associated more detailed guidance had also been published.

The report also recognises ongoing work in preparation for bringing anaesthesia associates and physician associates into regulation, including what the future registration and revalidation processes will look like for these healthcare professionals.

UK Fitness to Practise News

Charlie Massey, GMC Chief Executive said:

‘Now more than ever, as the medical profession remains under sustained pressure, it is vital we continue to uphold our high standards of regulation, supporting doctors to meet the demands of patient care.

‘The PSA report recognises the hard work carried out by GMC staff to deliver real change in strategically important areas, such as updating the standards in Good medical practice, as well as the progress we’ve made tackling discrimination and disproportionality in fitness to practise referrals from employers.

‘However, we are not complacent. We remain committed to being a compassionate, fair and supportive regulator and to be active in promoting improvements in working environments where doctors will thrive. Doing this well will be in the best interests of patients, and will improve patient safety.’

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