The GDC opened a consultation on proposed revisions to the Standards for Education.  Writing on its website, the GDC said:

“We are committed to ensuring our quality assurance of dental education and training fulfils our primary purpose, to protect patients. The Standards for Education set out the requirements expected of all pre-registration programmes that lead to registration with the GDC.

“These Standards are the framework of our quality assurance processes. Providers are expected to meet them, and they cover the areas of patient protection, quality evaluation and review, and student assessment. 

“We welcome input from stakeholders across the dental education and training sectors in our consultation, which runs from today (14 November) until 12:00 on 6 February 2025.  

“Responses should be submitted via the GDC’s online consultation platform, where a PDF version of the consultation document is also available. 

“We conducted two stakeholder workshops earlier this year, which helped to inform the development of the draft consultation.”

The revised Standards for Education will reflect significant changes in the GDC’s strategic direction in dentistry, demographics, and the wider healthcare ecosystem.  

The aim of the review is to simplify requirements, enhance clarity, and introduce new areas relevant to today’s dental education landscape. This update follows the publication of the new Safe Practitioner Framework in 2023, which set foundational expectations for pre-registration education across the UK. We are currently working with education providers on its implementation.  

UK Fitness to Practise News

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