Just over three quarters of 2,805 candidates who sat June’s registration exam achieved a passing mark, the GPhC and PSNI have announced.

Table 1: June 2023 summary statistics

Candidates Number % of Total
Total number of candidates 2,805 100
Overall pass 2,150 77
Overall fail 655 23

Table 2: Breakdown of statistics – GPhC candidates (2,681 total)

Candidates Number % of Total
Number of first time sitters 2,353 88
Number of second time sitters 229 9
Number of third time sitters 99 4
First time sitters – pass 1,863 79
Second time sitters – pass 114 50
Third time sitters – pass  58 59

Table 3: Registration assessment results for previous years (summer sittings) 

Registration year Total sitting Total passing Pass rate %
2022 2,697 2,147 80
2021 2,907 2,371 82
2020 2,942 2,128 72
2019 2,942 2,318 79
2018 2,823 2,208 78

GPhC Director of Education and Standards, Mark Voce, said:

“Congratulations to all those candidates who passed this year’s registration assessment. We look forward to them joining our register and wish them well for the future.

“The assessment is one of the main ways we test that trainees can demonstrate they understand how to apply knowledge and are able to make professional judgements in pharmacy practice. This is fundamental in assuring patients and the public that they are in safe hands. 

“Unfortunately, there will be candidates who did not pass the assessment, and we understand this can be a difficult time for them. There is information on our website outlining all the options that may be available, including the independent charity, Pharmacist Support, who can provide help with mental health and wellbeing.”

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