The GMC has published data that provides insights into how different types of SAS and LE doctors, at different stages of their career, face different challenges and need different kinds of support.

Writing on its website, the General Medical Council wrote:

Specialty and specialist (SAS) doctors and locally employed (LE) doctors are a diverse and vital part of the UK medical workforce.

Each year the Barometer survey asks doctors across the UK about their workplace experiences, and the Barometer survey 2022 survey was the first in the series to enable separate analysis of SAS doctors and LE doctors.

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Findings relating to SAS doctors

  • More SAS doctors with a non-UK PMQ were doing well, but often carried out work usually done by more junior doctors and felt less supported by senior doctor.
  • More SAS doctors with a non-UK PMQ with less time in UK practice often carried out work usually done by more junior doctors and did not feel they had enough development or learning opportunities.
  • More SAS doctors with a non-UK PMQ with more time in UK practice often carried out work usually done by more senior doctors, and fewer felt supported.
  • More SAS doctors with a UK PMQ had a normalised heavy workload.
  • Fewer SAS doctors with a UK PMQ with more time in UK practice had taken steps to leave.

Findings relating to LE doctors

  • More LE doctors with a non-UK PMQ regularly took leave due to stress, particularly those with less time in UK practice.
  • More LE doctors with a non-UK PMQ with more time in UK practice did not feel they had enough development or learning opportunities, and fewer felt supported by their colleagues.
  • Many LE doctors with a UK PMQ had difficulty providing patient care, had taken steps to leave, and felt less supported, alongside other concerns.
  • Concerns relating to LE doctors with a UK PMQ are due to particularly poor experiences of those with less time in UK practice.
  • More LE doctors with a UK PMQ with more time in UK practice carry out work usually done by more junior doctor.

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