The PSA consulted on changes to its approach to performance review process “to ensure it continues to be proportionate and effective.”

The consultation received 34 responses, including from regulators we oversee, government organisations, members of the public, registrants, and a range of other organisations including charities that support patients and service users, trade unions and professional bodies, defence organisations and registrant support groups.

Summary of responses

1. Regulators considered that a review every five years would be reasonable, but other organisations felt this was too infrequent and that a review every two to three years would be more appropriate

2. There was support from all groups of respondents for more stakeholder engagement. This included more focused and regular conversations with the regulators, engagement with registrants, more structured questionnaires to gain feedback about profession-specific risks and more participation of patients in the process

3. There was support for greater clarity and detail about performance against standards. Most respondents were in favour of changing the current ‘met’ or ‘not met’ system

4. Most respondents were in favour of conducting thematic reviews, but were also wary of the resource implications for regulators

5. Some respondents highlighted the impact of our overall proposals on regulators’ resources and that they might increase costs to registrants.

The PSA said, from January 2022, it will make changes to it performance review processes including:

  • Amending its processes so that it does more work in year and engage more regularly with regulators, with the aim of publishing our reports within 3 months of the end of the period on which we are reporting
  • Engaging with a broader range of stakeholders
  • Make reports clearer, more concise and more helpful in promoting improvements in regulation
  • Develop its understanding of risk, including profession-specific risks, and use this to inform the scope of our reviews.

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