NMC publishes new resources to support student’s understanding of the NMC’s role and “how to get the best out of their education.”

This includes a series of webinar-style videos aimed at students during different points in their course:

  • Your journey, our role introduces new students to the NMC’s role during their education to help them become the best nurse, midwife or nursing associate they can be.
  • Getting the best out of your education helps prepare students for their first placement, our Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA), and how to look after themselves in their practice learning environment.
  • Finishing your programme – what’s next? is aimed at those who’ll soon be finishing their studies. It covers what students need to know as they prepare to join the register so they can deliver the best possible care.
Insight Works Training

Sam Foster, Executive Director of Professional Practice at the NMC, said:

“We want students to have the best possible understanding of the NMC, our role and how we can support them to get the most out of their education.

“We’ve developed these resources, with input from nursing, midwifery and nursing associate students, to highlight how effective supervision and assessment is vital. We want students to thrive during their education, including on placements, so that when they join our register, they’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to deliver safe and effective care which the public has a right to receive.

“It’s important that good supervision and assessment fosters a positive and inclusive learning culture, which enables students to be the best future professionals they can, for the benefit of people’s health and wellbeing.”

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