The results of the common registration assessment for pharmacists, held jointly by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI), have been published.

A total of 1,067 candidates sat the registration assessment on 2 November, with 700 candidates passing the assessment: an overall pass rate of 66%.


Further information and statistics

Table 1: November 2023 summary statistics

Candidates Number % of total
total number of candidates 1,067 100
Overall pass  700 66
Overall fail 367 34
Number of first time sitters 500 48
Number of second time sitters 457 44
Number of third time sitters 85 8
First time sitters – pass 303 61
Second time sitters – pass 329 72
Third time sitters – pass 50 59

Table 2: Registration assessment results for previous years (autumn sittings) 

Registration year Total sitting Total passing Pass rate
2022 937 525 56
2021 959 584 61
2019 1057 731 69
2018 834 544 65
2017 825 481 58
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GPhC Director of Education and Standards, Mark Voce, said:

“I would like to congratulate all those who passed the November registration assessment and I look forward to them joining our register to continue to the next stage of their career.

“There will be candidates who unfortunately did not pass the assessment. If this is the case, the information on our website outlines all the possible options of what to do next.

“There is also advice available from the independent charity, Pharmacist Support, who can offer help with wellbeing and mental health, as well as practical support.

“For those who passed the registration assessment, I would like to wish them every success for the future.”

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