The General Osteopathic Council has once again met all the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation for the fourteenth year in succession.
The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) oversees the performance of ten health and social care regulators and, in its latest annual performance review, has found that the GOsC has met all Standards of Good Regulation.
This year the PSA undertook a more detailed review of the GOsC performance which included a review of, general standards, guidance and standards, education and training, registration as well as targeted review of initial stage fitness to practise decisions.
Writing on its website, the PSA said:
“This year we reviewed a sample of the GOsC’s fitness to practise cases to evaluate the quality of its early-stage decision-making. We reviewed a high proportion of the GOsC’s early-stages closures and considered that a reasonable decision had been reached in the great majority of those cases. Overall, our audit provided assurance that the GOsC has processes and controls in place to ensure robust decision-making at the earlier stages of its fitness to practise process and that those controls are working effectively.
“The judgements we make against each Standard incorporate a range of evidence to form an overall picture of performance. Meeting a Standard means that we are satisfied that a regulator is performing well in that area. It does not mean there is no room for improvement. Similarly, finding that a regulator has met all of the Standards does not mean perfection. Rather, it signifies good performance in the 18 areas we assess.”
Chair of Council, Jo Clift, said:
‘As the new Chair of the GOsC I am delighted that GOsC has met all Standards of Good Regulation. This report provides external assurance and evidence to patients and the profession that GOsC continues to be a strong and effective regulator. I am looking forward to continuing to work with the staff team, with Council and with our stakeholders to maintain these high standards over the years ahead’.
Chief Executive and Registrar, Matthew Redford, commented:
‘It is with a great deal of pride that we continue to maintain our unblemished record of meeting all Standards of Good Regulation. The report is a testament to the work of everyone at GOsC and it exhibits the significant work we have been undertaking in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and in patient and public engagement in osteopathic education. It is important that we are ensuring that our fitness to practise processes are timely and fair. We will not rest upon our laurels, as the culture we have at GOsC is to strive for improvement. We will do that as we implement our new strategy, which was launched in April 2024, and we look forward to collaborating with our partners.’
The PSA Standards of Good Regulation have 18 standards which cover the core functions of the regulator and include a focus on equality, diversity and inclusion; ensuring that relevant learning from one part of the business is applied to others; and that the regulator consults with all relevant stakeholders.
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