The General Optical Council has agreed funding to fund additional research into ‘unfairness’ in Fitness to Practise decision-making.
The General Optical Council (GOC) held its first Council meeting of the year on 13 March 2024. At the meeting, the Council approved the release of £20,000 from the GOC financial reserves to fund additional research into ‘unfairness’ in Fitness to Practise decision-making.
On its website, the GOC wrote:
“The findings of this research will assist the GOC in reducing disproportionate and unfair referrals, and in the implementation of consequential action plans to reduce any evidenced unfair differential attainment.”
“This work is supported by separate ‘lived experience’ research projects investigating the barriers faced when accessing eye care services and negative behaviours in the workplace. The GOC’s Policy and Standards Team will commission the lived experience research and use its data to inform the next strategic plan.”
In its last two performance reviews of the GOC, the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) has commended the work undertaken towards promoting and embedding equality, diversity, and inclusion throughout the GOC’s work. Council welcomed these achievements and supported the GOC’s ambition to reach beyond the criteria set by the PSA, proactively pursing a commitment to EDI in all aspects of the organisation.
Council approved the EDI Action Plan 2024-25 which will guide the GOC’s EDI work until the implementation of its dedicated EDI Strategy 2025-30, a sub-strategy of the broader strategic plan.
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