General Optical Council (GOC) launches consultation on the process for registrants to update their registered gender.

It wrote on its website:

“As part of our statutory duty to maintain and publish a register of all those who are fit to practise, we publish certain information about our registrants, which currently includes their gender.

“This new policy seeks to make the process for updating gender clear and easy to apply whilst ensuring compliance with the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) and the Equality Act 2010. It has been designed to ensure fairness to those who wish to update their gender on the GOC’s register.

“As this would affect all of our registrants, we are seeking their views, as well of the views of other interested stakeholders on this policy and the safeguards that we would apply.

“The consultation will take place from 12 December 2022 to 20 March 2023. Feedback will then be considered, with a view to implement the policy in mid-2023.”

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