General Chiropractic Council has confirmed ‘consent’ to be the 22/23 CPD Focus for its registrants.

This follows the new GCC guidance on consent, published in July 2022, which sets out the basis for a patient’s consent to treatment. It also underlines the requirement that registrants must be satisfied that patients have given consent before undertaking any examination, investigation or treatment. 

The guidance also sets out the principles for good clinical decision-making and provides a framework for good practice for situations chiropractors deal with.

As part of the annual CPD submission for 2022/2023, registrants must include: 

  • self-reflection on knowledge and competency concerning consent,
  • how well your knowledge and its application regarding consent enables a safe and effective service for your patients to be provided, and
  • if you have identified any issues about consent, explain how you plan to address any areas for development and improvement.


New registrants: Additional focus on clinical governance

The GCC expects all recent graduates to commence their professional life with due regard to the essential elements of clinical governance. These include accountability for providing a safe and effective service and safeguarding high standards of care.

Therefore, in addition to the CPD requirements for all registrants, the GCC will require recent graduates to include a focus on clinical governance. The introduction of this additional CPD will help to support the GCC’s aims of developing professionalism.

This additional CPD requirement is aimed at those who have registered with the GCC for the first time and have qualified within the last two years. 

For more information, visit the CPD section of the website. (Tab: Additional CPD requirements for new registrants 2022/2023)

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