The General Dental Council said it is reviewing what information it publishes in relation to Interim Orders Committee hearings following concerns raised by a Coroner.

Writing on its website, the GDC said:

“We recognise that FtP is a stressful and difficult process and we’ve taken various steps to minimise unnecessary stress and anxiety and ensure that the small number of dental professionals involved in an investigation are supported and that their mental health and wellbeing is a priority.

“Last year, following an inquest, a coroner raised concerns with us about the level of detail that is put into the public domain regarding allegations being considered by an IOC.

“We express our great sadness about learning of the death of a dentist whose case was under investigation and send our deepest sympathy and thoughts to their family.

We recognised the concerns raised by the coroner and at the time and work was underway to review the policy on the publication of IOC outcomes. The aim of the review is to ensure the correct balance of the public interest in open justice and safety, against the interests of the dental professional, particularly when assessing untested allegations. The role of the IOC is to assess immediate and serious risks to public safety or confidence and to take action when necessary. It does not have a role in making findings of fact.”

The Dental Regulator further confirmed that it was working to build a framework to report the causes of death of dental professionals where there is an active fitness to practise case, “guided by an evidence review and engagement with experts including the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group.”

UK Fitness to Practise News

Stefan Czerniawski, Executive Director, Strategy, said:  

“We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of a dentist whilst they were under investigation. We are committed to reflecting and learning lessons where we can and are developing a process to undertake a serious incident review when we become aware that someone has died while subject to a fitness to practise investigation.   

“We want to build and maintain trust between us and the dental professionals we regulate. Minimising stress experienced in the fitness to practise process is one way to do that and we have a number of improvements underway. Reporting the causes of death of registrants will also improve transparency. However, balancing transparency with the public interest, our responsibilities as a regulator and the impact on dental professionals requires consideration of different perspectives and views in order to ensure constructive discussion about what are often difficult and sensitive issues.”  

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