GDC have launched a 12-week public consultation on proposed changes to learning outcomes and behaviour expectations for education and training programmes leading to registration.
The proposals are available to read in full in The Safe Practitioner: A framework of behaviours and outcomes for dental professional education.
In addition to introducing the new terminology of ‘safe practitioner’ to describe newly qualified dental professionals, the proposals will introduce new areas of required behaviour and make updates to both clinical and non-clinical requirements that programmes must achieve.
Ross Scales, our Head of Upstream Regulation, said:
“Since the learning outcomes in Preparing for Practice were last reviewed back in 2015, there have been significant shifts in both dentistry and wider society, and the proposed changes in The Safe Practitioner Framework very much reflect this. I’d like to thank the many stakeholders who have shared their views to date, and particularly those who contributed their significant experience and expertise to our reference group which explored feedback and research. We are now seeking broader views on our proposals and welcome feedback from all of those with an interest in dental education and training.”
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