The General Chiropractic Council has met all the Professional Standards Authority’s Standards of Good Regulation – the first time for five years.
In the report the PSA highlighted how the GCC involved the chiropractic profession in the development and implementation of new Education Standards, with a greater emphasis on:
- patient-centred care
- equality, diversity and inclusion
- collaborative and integrated working with other healthcare professionals
The PSA also recognised the GCC’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), concluding “It is positive to see the progress it has made in implementing its action plan to date”.
The PSA particularly noted the thematic EDI review of fitness to practise cases closed by the Investigating Committee (IC) – and work done to address some of the findings of the review, including using a recent recruitment campaign to further diversify the pool of IC members.
It was Standard 15, the time to progress investigations, that saw the greatest improvement – with the time between receipt of referral and final hearing decision being significantly improved due to the dedication and focus of the Fitness to Practice directorate.
Chair of Council, Mary Chapman said:
“I welcome the report from the PSA, and its independent assurance that the GCC performs to a high standard in protecting patients and the public. The Council is delighted the hard work is recognised and our commitment is to continue to improve what we do and how we do it.
This result is testament to the hard work that the GCC team – Council, staff and partners – have put in over the last year, and I want to thank all for their commitment to our goals and to chiropractic patients across the UK.”
Nick Jones, Registrar and CEO said:
“As the smallest of the healthcare regulators (both in terms of registrants and staff), it can be a challenge to deploy our resources efficiently to make the maximum impact on the safety of patients – but this report is a strong endorsement that we are getting things right.
We will take our time to digest the full report and identify improvements we can make following its recommendations, but today the recognition from the PSA that the GCC team performs well is something we can all take pride in”.
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