Fitness to Practise defence barristers Kings View Chambers takes an in-depth look at Remediation, Insight and Remediation in Fitness to Practise.

In the context of fitness to practise, reflection is important to gain insight into the circumstances that led to things going wrong and from this to demonstrate remediation.

Reflection & Insight

Reflection is about serious thought or consideration of the circumstances that lead to a things going wrong.  Insight is learning from this reflection to gain an accurate and deep understanding of steps necessary to, one, ensure mistakes are not repeated and, two, address the consequences (Duty of Candour). 

Why does remediation in fitness to practise matter?

In circumstances where a health and care professional’s fitness to practise is called into question,  they should, and be given the opportunity, to remediate.  This is important because demonstrable remediation could give regulatory bodies confidence that a health and care professional’s fitness to practise is no longer impaired, and they can continue to practise.

It is important to remember that impairment can be found in a range of circumstances, which are not limited to clinical errors or misconduct.  It can also include, amongst other things, adverse health and/or language proficiency. 

Read Kings View Chambers’ in-depth look at, reflection, insight and remediation.


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