The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has suggested that pharmacists undertaking AI-assisted revalidation could face sanctions. C+D reported a pharmacist, “talking to C+D on condition of anonymity”, said that they were personally aware of “a small number” of fellow pharmacists who had used ChatGPT to generate CPD answers and had submitted these to the GPhC for their revalidation.

But in response to C+D questioning, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) said that it was “not aware of ChatGPT being used by pharmacists or pharmacy technicians to complete their revalidation”.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022.

However, the GPhC did warn that if a revalidation submission contained “false or misleading information”, this could result in the “administrative removal” of a registrant.

It stressed that the revalidation process is “one of the ways that we work with pharmacy professionals to provide assurance that the trust in pharmacy professionals is well placed”.

 “It is important that pharmacy professionals reflect on their own learning and practice as part of the revalidation process,” it added.

Source: C+D

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